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Jumat, 26 November 2010

Towjatuwa and Crocodile Sakti

December 10, 2007 at 2:18 pm (Folklore)

A long time ago, there lived a man named Tami Towjatuwa on the banks of the river area of Irian Jaya.

The man was upset, because his wife is heavily pregnant have difficulty in giving birth to her baby. To help the birth of his son, he needs an operation that uses a sharp stone from the river Tami.

While I was busy looking for sharp rocks, he heard strange noises behind him. Towjatuwa surprised when he saw a large crocodile in front of him. He was very scared and almost fainted. Large alligator slowly moving toward Towjatuwa. Unlike other crocodiles, this animal has feathers from birds Kaswari on his back. So when the crocodile was moving, the beast looks very scary.

But when Towjatuwa want to escape, was greeted with a friendly crocodile and asked what he was doing. Towjatuwapun tell the state of his wife. Even this magic crocodile said: "Do not worry, I will come to your house tonight. I will help your wife give birth. "

Towjatuwa home to his wife. With a very happy, he also tells about his meeting with a crocodile powerful.

That night, as promised, and even then entered the house of magic crocodile Towjatuwa. With its miracle, crocodile named Watuwe that help process the birth of a baby boy safely. He was named Narrowra. Watuwe predicted that someday the baby will grow into a reliable hunter.

Watuwe then reminded that Towjatuwa and his descendants did not kill and eat the crocodile meat. If the ban is violated then Towjatuwa and their children will die. Since then, Towjatuwa and its descendants promised to protect animals that were around the river Tami from the hunters.

Source: www.sesite.niu.edu

The Deer and Si Kulomang

April 23, 2008 at 6:36 pm (Folklore)

A long time ago in a forest on the islands of Aru, there lived a group of deer. They are very proud of his running ability. Their work other than grazing, is challenging other animals to escape fighting. If they were to beat him, the deer was going to take the place of residence.

Ditepian lies the forest is a very beautiful beach. There live sea slug named Kulomang. Marine snail known as a clever animal, and very loyal friend. One day, the deer came to the Kulomang. Sea snail was challenged to compete in the run up to the headland to the eleven. The stakes are the coast of the sea slug residence.

In the heart of the deer that was certain to defeat the Kulomang. Not only the way very slowly, the Kulomang also shouldered shells. Shells are usually bigger than his body. Such a size that is caused by the shell that is the home of sea snails. The house was useless to resist so as not to float at high tide. And it is useful to protect the marine snails from the blazing sun.

On the appointed day the deer had invited his friends to watch the game. While the Kulomang have prepared ten friends. Each tail of his friend placed starting from the promontory to promontory into two to eleven. He himself will be in place beginning of the match. Ordered for her friends to answer every question the Deer.

Once the game started, the deer ran as quickly as possible ahead of the Kulomang. A few hours is already reached the second headland. His breath was panting. In my heart he was convinced that the Kulomang may only reach a distance of several meters. With pride he shouted, "Kulomang, now where are you?" Friend of the Kulomang replied, "I'm right behind you." Great astonishment of the deer, he did not break but ran helter-skelter.

The same thing happens repeatedly until the headland to ten. Entering the headland to the eleven, the deer was running out of breath. He fell down and died. Thus the Kulomang can not only defeat but also trick the deer that was arrogant.

Source: www.seasite.niu.edu from a book by Aneke Sumarauw, "Folklore of the Moluccas"

Legend Aryo Menak

August 22, 2008 at 7:52 pm (Folklore)

It was told at the time of Aryo Menak life, the island of Madura is still very fertile. Forest is very dense. Yellowing rice fields.

Aryo Menak is very fond of a young man who wanders into the woods. On a full moon, when he rested under a tree near a lake, he saw a very bright fluorescent light at the edge of the lake. Slowly he approached the light source earlier. What a surprise, when he saw the seven angels in the shower and frolic there.

He was awed by their beauty. Arises a desire to have a between them. He also crept, then immediately taken with a shawl from the maidens.

Shortly thereafter, the angel of the shower and rushed to take his clothes each. And they fly to his palace in heaven, except the youngest. Angel was unable to fly without a shawl. He also sad and cry.

Aryo Menak then approached him. He pretended not to know what happened. Ask what happened to the angel. Then he said: "It may have been the will of the gods to dwell on the earth angel for a while. Do not be sad. I will promise to accompany and entertain you. "

Angel was apparently believed by Arya Menak talk. He also did not resist when Arya Menak offered him to stay at home Arya Menak. Next Arya Menak proposed. Angel rose to receive it.

It is said, that the angel that still has magic powers. He can cook a pot of rice only from a grain of rice. Condition is Arya Menak should not be watching.

On one day, Arya Menak became curious. Rice in the barn was never diminished even though an angel to cook every day. When his wife was not there at home, he settles into the kitchen where his wife and opened the pot to cook rice. This action makes supernatural forces his wife vanished.

Angel was very surprised to know what happened. From then on, he had to cook rice from the barn Arya Menak. Over time and even then the less rice. One day, the basic barn in sight. Angel surprise when he saw protruding shawl is missing. One look at these scarves, arises a desire to return to heaven. One night, she wore all the clothes back sorganya. Her body became light, he also can fly to his palace.

Arya Menak became very sad. Because of his curiosity, angel left her. Since then he and his descendants to eat rice abstinence

(Adapted from Mrs. SDB Safe, "Aryo Menak and His Wife," Folk Tales From Indonesia, Jakarta: Djambatan, 1976)

source: www.seasite.niu.edu

Lutung Kasarung

Agustus 22, 2008 pada 8:05 am (Cerita Rakyat)

Pada jaman dahulu kala di tatar pasundan ada sebuah kerajaan yang pimpin oleh seorang raja yang bijaksana, beliau dikenal sebagai Prabu Tapak Agung.

Prabu Tapa Agung mempunyai dua orang putri cantik yaitu Purbararang dan adiknya Purbasari.

Pada saat mendekati akhir hayatnya Prabu Tapak Agung menunjuk Purbasari, putri bungsunya sebagai pengganti. “Aku sudah terlalu tua, saatnya aku turun tahta,” kata Prabu Tapa.

Purbasari memiliki kakak yang bernama Purbararang. Ia tidak setuju adiknya diangkat menggantikan Ayah mereka. “Aku putri Sulung, seharusnya ayahanda memilih aku sebagai penggantinya,” gerutu Purbararang pada tunangannya yang bernama Indrajaya. Kegeramannya yang sudah memuncak membuatnya mempunyai niat mencelakakan adiknya. Ia menemui seorang nenek sihir untuk memanterai Purbasari. Nenek sihir itu memanterai Purbasari sehingga saat itu juga tiba-tiba kulit Purbasari menjadi bertotol-totol hitam. Purbararang jadi punya alasan untuk mengusir adiknya tersebut. “Orang yang dikutuk seperti dia tidak pantas menjadi seorang Ratu !” ujar Purbararang.

Kemudian ia menyuruh seorang Patih untuk mengasingkan Purbasari ke hutan. Sesampai di hutan patih tersebut masih berbaik hati dengan membuatkan sebuah pondok untuk Purbasari. Ia pun menasehati Purbasari, “Tabahlah Tuan Putri. Cobaan ini pasti akan berakhir, Yang Maha Kuasa pasti akan selalu bersama Putri”. “Terima kasih paman”, ujar Purbasari.

Selama di hutan ia mempunyai banyak teman yaitu hewan-hewan yang selalu baik kepadanya. Diantara hewan tersebut ada seekor kera berbulu hitam yang misterius. Tetapi kera tersebut yang paling perhatian kepada Purbasari. Lutung kasarung selalu menggembirakan Purbasari dengan mengambilkan bunga –bunga yang indah serta buah-buahan bersama teman-temannya.

Pada saat malam bulan purnama, Lutung Kasarung bersikap aneh. Ia berjalan ke tempat yang sepi lalu bersemedi. Ia sedang memohon sesuatu kepada Dewata. Ini membuktikan bahwa Lutung Kasarung bukan makhluk biasa. Tidak lama kemudian, tanah di dekat Lutung merekah dan terciptalah sebuah telaga kecil, airnya jernih sekali. Airnya mengandung obat yang sangat harum.

Keesokan harinya Lutung Kasarung menemui Purbasari dan memintanya untuk mandi di telaga tersebut. “Apa manfaatnya bagiku ?”, pikir Purbasari. Tapi ia mau menurutinya. Tak lama setelah ia menceburkan dirinya. Sesuatu terjadi pada kulitnya. Kulitnya menjadi bersih seperti semula dan ia menjadi cantik kembali. Purbasari sangat terkejut dan gembira ketika ia bercermin ditelaga tersebut.

Di istana, Purbararang memutuskan untuk melihat adiknya di hutan. Ia pergi bersama tunangannya dan para pengawal. Ketika sampai di hutan, ia akhirnya bertemu dengan adiknya dan saling berpandangan. Purbararang tak percaya melihat adiknya kembali seperti semula. Purbararang tidak mau kehilangan muka, ia mengajak Purbasari adu panjang rambut. “Siapa yang paling panjang rambutnya dialah yang menang !”, kata Purbararang. Awalnya Purbasari tidak mau, tetapi karena terus didesak ia meladeni kakaknya. Ternyata rambut Purbasari lebih panjang.

“Baiklah aku kalah, tapi sekarang ayo kita adu tampan tunangan kita, Ini tunanganku”, kata Purbararang sambil mendekat kepada Indrajaya. Purbasari mulai gelisah dan kebingungan. Akhirnya ia melirik serta menarik tangan Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung melonjak-lonjak seakan-akan menenangkan Purbasari. Purbararang tertawa terbahak-bahak, “Jadi monyet itu tunanganmu ?”.

Pada saat itu juga Lutung Kasarung segera bersemedi. Tiba-tiba terjadi suatu keajaiban. Lutung Kasarung berubah menjadi seorang Pemuda gagah berwajah sangat tampan, lebih dari Indrajaya. Semua terkejut melihat kejadian itu seraya bersorak gembira. Purbararang akhirnya mengakui kekalahannya dan kesalahannya selama ini. Ia memohon maaf kepada adiknya dan memohon untuk tidak dihukum. Purbasari yang baik hati memaafkan mereka. Setelah kejadian itu akhirnya mereka semua kembali ke Istana.

Purbasari menjadi seorang ratu, didampingi oleh seorang pemuda idamannya. Pemuda yang ternyata selama ini selalu mendampinginya dihutan dalam wujud seekor lutung.

Sumber: www.e-smartschool.com

Origin of Banyuwangi town

September 3, 2008 at 11:32 am (Folklore)

In ancient times the area of the eastern tip of East Java Province, there is a large kingdom ruled by a just and wise king. The king has a son named Raden Banterang handsome. Raden penchant Banterang is hunting. "This morning, I will hunt to the forest. Prepare a hunting tool, "said Raden Banterang to the servant. After hunting equipment ready, Raden Banterang accompanied by several attendants go into the forest. When Raden Banterang walking alone, he saw a deer crossing in front of him. He immediately chase deer until deep into the forest. He separated from his escorts.

"Where a deer that?" Said Raden Banterang, when it lost track of his quarry. "I'll keep looking until you can," his determination. Raden Banterang through the bush and forest trees. However, the game was not found. He arrived in a very clear river water. "Hem, nian fresh water of this river," Raden Banterang drink water with it, until she lost her thirst. After that, he left the rivers. But only a few steps to walk, suddenly surprised the arrival of a beautiful girl.

"Ha? A beautiful girl? Really he is a man? Lest Satan forest keepers, "mumbled Raden Banterang wondered. Raden Banterang ventured close to the pretty girl. "You're human or forest watchman?" Said Raden Banterang. "I'm human," she replied with a smile. Raden Banterang even introduce himself. Pretty girl was welcomed. "My name comes from the kingdom of Klungkung Surati." "I was in this place for saving themselves from enemy attack. My father had been killed in defending the royal crown, "Obviously. Hearing her words, Raden Banterang absurdly surprised. Seeing the suffering of the King of Klungkung's daughter, Raden Banterang immediate help and took her back to the palace. Soon they were married build a happy family.

One day, the daughter of the King of Klungkung to walk alone outside the palace. "Surati! Surati! ", Calling a man who dressed in rags. After watching his face, he realized that that was in front of him is his brother named Rupaksa. Rupaksa intentions are to invite her sister for revenge, because Raden Banterang had killed his father. Surati told that he would diperistri Raden Banterang since been indebted. That way, Surati not want to help call his brother. Rupaksa angry to hear the answer to her sister. However, he could provide a memorable form of a headband to Surati. "Tie this head should you keep under your bed," the message Rupaksa.

Surati meeting with his brother is not known by Raden Banterang, because Raden Banterang was hunting in the forest. When Raden Banterang surrounded by a forest, his eyes suddenly surprised by the arrival of a man dressed in rags. "Tuangku, Raden Banterang. Mr. Safety in danger of being planned by the wife of his own master, "said the man. "You can see the evidence, with a view of a headband is placed under the peraduannya. Tie the head belonged to a man who asked for help to kill you, "he explained. After saying those words, a man dressed in rags that had mysteriously disappeared. Raden troubled Banterang heard reports that the mysterious man. He was immediately returned to the palace. After arriving at the palace, Raden peraaduan Banterang go directly to his wife. Looking for a headband that has been told by a man dressed in rags that had met in the forest. "Ha! True word man! This headband as proof! Do you plan going to kill me by asking for help to the owner of this headband! "He accused his wife of Raden Banterang. "Is that balasanmu me?" Said Raden Banterang. "Do not just accused. Adina did not mean to kill Kakanda, let alone ask for help to a man! "Surati said. However Raden Banterang remain at its founding, that his wife had helped it would endanger his life. Well, before his life is threatened, Raden Banterang first want to harm his wife.

Raden Banterang intend to drown his wife in a river. After arriving at the river, Raden Banterang tells of meeting with a man in rags when hunting in the forest. The wife also told of meeting with a man dressed in rags as explained her husband. "The man is the sister of Adina. It was he who gave a headband to Adina, "Surati explain again, for Raden Banterang melted his heart. However, Raden Banterang continue to believe that she would harm herself. "Kakanda my husband! Open your heart and feelings Kakanda! Adina Kakanda willing to die for the sake of safety. But give the opportunity to tell about meeting Adina Adina by Adina brother named Rupaksa, "Surati said reminded.

"Brother Adindalah that will kill Kakanda! Adina demand help, but Adina tolah! ". Hearing this, the liquid heart Raden Banterang not even think his wife was lying .. "Kakanda! If it becomes clear river water and fragrant smell, meaning Adina is innocent! However, if still turbid and foul odor, then Adina guilty! "Called Surati. Raden Banterang consider her remark was absurd. So, Raden Banterang immediately drew his dagger tucked in his waist. Simultaneously it also, Surati jump into the middle of the river and disappeared.

Not long after, there was a miracle. Nan fragrant smell spreading in the surrounding rivers. Seeing the incident, Raden Banterang exclaimed in a trembling voice. "My wife is innocent! Scented water this time! "What a sorry Raden Banterang. He lamented the death of his wife, and regretting his stupidity. But it was too late.

Since then, the river becomes fragrant smell. In the Java language called Banyuwangi. Banyu meaning fragrant water and meaning fragrant. The name later became the name of the town of Banyuwangi Banyuwangi.

Source: e-smartschool.com taken from elexmedia


September 3, 2008 at 11:34 am (Folklore)

Raden Putra was the king of the Kingdom Jenggala. He was accompanied by a consort of good heart and a beautiful concubine. However, the concubine of King Raden Putra has the nature of envy and jealousy against the empress. He is a bad plan to the empress. "Supposedly, I'm the one who became empress. I must find a way to get rid of the empress, "she thought.

Concubine of the king, conspired with a physician's palace. He pretended to severe pain. Court physicians be called immediately. The healer said that someone had put poison in the drink lady. "The man was none other than the consort of King himself," said the physician. King became angry to hear the explanation the court physician. He immediately ordered his patih to get rid of the empress to the forest.

The governor immediately took empress who was pregnant was the wilderness. But, a wise governor would not kill him. Apparently the governor had known the king's concubines malicious intent. "Mr. daughter not to worry, I will report to the king that the princess was murdered servant," said the governor. To deceive the king, his vizier stain his sword with the arrest of rabbit blood. King bear satisfied when the governor reported that he had killed the empress.

After several months in the jungle, was born the son of the empress. The baby was given the name Cindelaras. Cindelaras grow into a child who is smart and handsome. Since childhood he had been friends with forest-dwelling animals. One day, when you're busy playing, a hawk dropped an egg. "Well, the eagle was very good. He deliberately gave eggs to me. "After 3 weeks, the eggs hatch. Cindelaras chicken with diligent care of the child. Chick grew into a cock is good and strong. But there is one oddity. The sound of a rooster crowing it's absolutely stunning! "Kukuruyuk ... lord Cindelaras, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra ..."

Cindelaras very surprised to hear crowing chickens and immediately showed his mother. Then, the mother tells the origin Cindelaras why they got in the forest. Hearing the story of his mother, Cindelaras determined to expose the crime to the palace and the king's concubines. Having allowed his mother, Cindelaras went to the palace accompanied by a rooster. While on the way there are some people who were risking chicken. Cindelaras then summoned by the penyabung chicken. "Come on, if you dare, adulah jantanmu chicken with my chicken," she challenged. "Well," replied Cindelaras. When pitted, it turns out Cindelaras cock fight with powerful and in a short time, he can beat his opponent. After a few times pitted, chicken Cindelaras unbeatable. The chicken is really tough.

News of the wonders of chicken Cindelaras spread quickly. Raden Putra had heard the news. Then, Raden Putra told hulubalangnya to invite Cindelaras. "I was facing his excellency," said Cindelaras politely. "The boy is handsome and intelligent, it seems he is not a descendant of the common people," thought the king. Chicken Cindelaras pitted with chicken Raden Putra on one condition, if the chicken Cindelaras lose then he was willing to cut off his head, but if the chicken wins then half the wealth belongs Cindelaras Raden Putra.

Two chickens were fighting bravely. But in a short time, chicken chicken Cindelaras conquered the King. The audience cheered and chanted Cindelaras chicken. "Well I admit defeat. I will keep my promise. But who are you, young man? "Tanya King Raden Putra. Cindelaras immediately bent like whispered something in his chicken. Not long after the chicken immediately rang. "Kukuruyuk ... lord Cindelaras, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra ...," the rooster crowed repeatedly. Raden Putra Cindelaras shocked to hear crowing cock. "Is it true?" Ask the king surprise. "Yes sir, name Cindelaras servant, the servant is the consort of King's mother."

Simultaneously, the governor immediately face and tell all the events that really happened in consort. "I've made a mistake," said King Raden Putra. "I'll give justly punished in my mistress," continued the king with rage. Then, the concubine Raden Putra was in the exhaust into the forest. Raden Putra immediately embraced her and apologized for his mistakes after that, Raden Putra and district chief consort to the forest to pick up soon .. Finally Raden Putra, empress and Cindelaras can get together again. After Raden Putra died, Cindelaras replace his father. He ruled his country with a fair and wise.

Source: www.e-smartschool.com

Golog Stone

October 29, 2008 at 9:28 pm (Folklore)

In antiquity in the area near the River Padamara Sawing in West Nusa Tenggara lived a poor family. The wife named Inaq Lembain and her husband named Amaq Lembain

Their livelihoods are agricultural laborers. Every day they walk kedesa village offers strength to pound rice.

If Inaq Lembain pound rice it came with her two children as well. One day, he was busy pounding rice. Both children placed on a flat rock near where he worked.

Surprisingly, when Inaq began to pound, the rock where they sit more and more ascending. Feeling like removed, then the eldest son started calling his mother: "Mother is the higher the stone." But unfortunately Inaq Lembain was busy working. Answered, "My son just wait a minute, Mom was just pounding."

That happened repeatedly. Flat stone is increasingly rising to more than a coconut tree. The two children then scream uncontrollably. However, Inaq Lembain keep busy pounding and winnowing rice. Children's voices were getting more and more faint. Eventually the voice was not heard from again.

Goloq stone was increasingly high. Up to bring the children reach the clouds. They were crying uncontrollably. Just when it Inaq Lembain realized, that her children are gone. They were taken up by the Stone Goloq.

Inaq Lembain sobbed. He then prayed for to take his son. Syahdan prayer was answered. He was given magical powers. with his belt he will be able to cut off the Stone Goloq it. Miraculously, the stone was cut with his belt severed into three parts. The first part falls in a place which later was named the Village Gembong olrh because the soil there quivering. The second part falls in a place called Stone Dasan because there are people who witnessed the fall of a fragment of this stone. And the last piece falls somewhere rumbling noise. So the place was named Montong Teker.

While the two children had not fallen to earth. They have turned into a two-tailed bird. The eldest son turned into a bird Kekuwo and sister turned into a bird Kelik. Therefore, both derived from humans, the two birds were not able to incubate their eggs.

Source: www.seasite.niu.edu

Today our band had an audition in citra studio. We waited outside for about an hour. Then somebody called us to go inside. Soon, we played on big stage in front of the jury. We played on a big stage in front of the jury. We felt very nervous. Actually, we didn’t perfomed so well. But, why did the jury members look so excited? We didn’t know the answer until later. Tell you what! The jury realy liked our performance did we pass the audition of course, we did!
Today our band had an audition in citra studio. We waited outside for about an hour. Then somebody called us to go inside. Soon, we played on big stage in front of the jury. We played on a big stage in front of the jury. We felt very nervous. Actually, we didn’t perfomed so well. But, why did the jury members look so excited? We didn’t know the answer until later. Tell you what! The jury realy liked our performance did we pass the audition of course, we did!
My name is bangkit. I’m newspaper boy. I ride my bike to deliver newspaper. Every time distribute morning papers, I see many dogs along the way. I like to tease them. I made fun of them by throwing stones, kicking or “barking”

One morning, in front of a football field, I saw a big black dog behind me. I threw a stone at him but it missed. He chassed me until I fell into a ditch. It was smelly from the garbage and waste. My leg hurt so I screamed.

Luckily, an old lady come to help me. She beat the dog with a broom. She helped me stand up. When I looked up, some girls were laughing at me. I didn’t want to look at them . my clothes were wet and full of dirt. I was so embarrassed. It was really a traumatic experience. I learned my lesson! I will never tease dogs again.
I used to love racing. Every time I speed on my motorcycle, I felt I was number one. I always tired to be the fatest on the streets especially at night. During the day, there were too many cars.

One day, I was tropped in a traffic jam. Cars and motorcycles were everywhere. I could not move at all. I became impatient. I could not wait. So, I decided to turn into the small road on my left on my left. I ignored the “Drive Slowly” sign. I drove fast

I was going 80km/hour when a little girl crossed the street without paying attention to the traffic. I tried to avoid her but I last control of my motorcycle. The girl was okay but I hit a tree. I was unconscious for several hours. When I wake up, I was in the hospital. I could not move my legs. They were broken. It really hurt. I could not walk for there months. It was a traumatic experience. I regret speeding. I learned my lesson.

I decided never to speed again
probing by asking questions indicates that the receiver wants to get further information, guide the discussion along certain lines, or bring the sender to a certain realization or conclusion the receiver has in mind. in asking a question, the receiver implies that the sender ought or might profitably develop or discuss a point further. questioning is, however,an important skill in being helpful to people who wish to discuss their problems and concerns with you. in using questions skillfully, it is necessary to understand the difference between an open and closed question and the pitfalls of the "why" question. an open question encourages other people to answer at greater length and in more detail. the closed question usually asks for only a simple yes or no answer. an example of an open question is, "why" question. an open question encourages other people to answer at greater length and in more detail. the closed question usually asks for only a simple yes or no answer. an example of an open question is, "how do you feel about your job?" because open question encourage other people to share more personal feelings and thoughts, they are ussualy more helpful

when you intend to deepen a relationship or help other people understand and solve their problems, it is usually recommended that you avoid why questions. to encourage people to give a rational explanation for their behavior may not be productive because most people do not fully know the reasons they do the things they do. being asked why can make people defensive and encourages them to justify rather than explore their actions. why questions are also often used to indicate disapproval or to give advice . for example, the question, "why did you yell at the teacher?" may imply the statement, "i don't think you should have yelled at the teacher." because criticism and advice tend to be threatening, people may feel less free to examine the reasons that led them to a particular action or decision. instead of asking people to explain or justify their actions through answering why, it may be more helpful to ask what, where, when, how, and who question. these questions help other people to be more spesific, precise, and revealing. for a more complete discussion of question asking, see johnson

asking questions skillfully is a essential part of giving help to other people who are discussing their problems and concerns with you . but questions, while they communicate that you are interested in helping, do not necessarily communicate that you understand. it may sometimes be more effective to change questions into reflective statements that encourage the person to keep talking. an example is changing the question, "do you like swimming?" to a reflective statement, "you really like swimming. "reflective statement, which are discussed in the next section, focus on clarifying and summarizing without interrupting the flow of communication because they don't call for an answer

paraphrasing and understanding (u)

an understanding and reflecting response indicates that your intent is to understand the sender's thoughts and feelings. in effect, this response asks the sender whether you, the receiver, have understood what the sender is saying and how she is feeling. this is the same as the paraphrasing response discussed in chapter 4. there are three situations in which you will want to use the understanding response. the first is when you are not sure you have understood the sender's thoughts and feelings. paraphrasing can begin a clarifying and summarizing process that increases the accuracy of understanding. the second is when you wish to ensure that the sender hears what he has just said. this reflection of thoughts and feelings often gives the sender a clearer understanding of himself and of the implications of his present feelings and thinking. finally, paraphrasing reassures the sender that you are trying to understand his thoughts and feelings.

in order to be truly understanding, you may have to go beyond the words of the sender to the feelings and underlying meanings that accompany the words. it is the true meaning of the statment and the sender's feelings that you paraphrase

after you have finished the procedure for scoring both answer sheets, record the frequency with which each member of the group used each type of responses. this can be done by taking one member of the group, asking her how many times she used the evaluating response, placing a tally mark in the appropriate box, then asking the member how many times she used the interpreting response, and so forth. when the recording is completed, you will have a tally mark for each group member under each type of response. then, as a group, discuss the results summarized in the above table. the following questions may helpful
probing by asking questions indicates that the receiver wants to get further information, guide the discussion along certain lines, or bring the sender to a certain realization or conclusion the receiver has in mind. in asking a question, the receiver implies that the sender ought or might profitably develop or discuss a point further. questioning is, however,an important skill in being helpful to people who wish to discuss their problems and concerns with you. in using questions skillfully, it is necessary to understand the difference between an open and closed question and the pitfalls of the "why" question. an open question encourages other people to answer at greater length and in more detail. the closed question usually asks for only a simple yes or no answer. an example of an open question is, "why" question. an open question encourages other people to answer at greater length and in more detail. the closed question usually asks for only a simple yes or no answer. an example of an open question is, "how do you feel about your job?" because open question encourage other people to share more personal feelings and thoughts, they are ussualy more helpful

when you intend to deepen a relationship or help other people understand and solve their problems, it is usually recommended that you avoid why questions. to encourage people to give a rational explanation for their behavior may not be productive because most people do not fully know the reasons they do the things they do. being asked why can make people defensive and encourages them to justify rather than explore their actions. why questions are also often used to indicate disapproval or to give advice . for example, the question, "why did you yell at the teacher?" may imply the statement, "i don't think you should have yelled at the teacher." because criticism and advice tend to be threatening, people may feel less free to examine the reasons that led them to a particular action or decision. instead of asking people to explain or justify their actions through answering why, it may be more helpful to ask what, where, when, how, and who question. these questions help other people to be more spesific, precise, and revealing. for a more complete discussion of question asking, see johnson

asking questions skillfully is a essential part of giving help to other people who are discussing their problems and concerns with you . but questions, while they communicate that you are interested in helping, do not necessarily communicate that you understand. it may sometimes be more effective to change questions into reflective statements that encourage the person to keep talking. an example is changing the question, "do you like swimming?" to a reflective statement, "you really like swimming. "reflective statement, which are discussed in the next section, focus on clarifying and summarizing without interrupting the flow of communication because they don't call for an answer

paraphrasing and understanding (u)

an understanding and reflecting response indicates that your intent is to understand the sender's thoughts and feelings. in effect, this response asks the sender whether you, the receiver, have understood what the sender is saying and how she is feeling. this is the same as the paraphrasing response discussed in chapter 4. there are three situations in which you will want to use the understanding response. the first is when you are not sure you have understood the sender's thoughts and feelings. paraphrasing can begin a clarifying and summarizing process that increases the accuracy of understanding. the second is when you wish to ensure that the sender hears what he has just said. this reflection of thoughts and feelings often gives the sender a clearer understanding of himself and of the implications of his present feelings and thinking. finally, paraphrasing reassures the sender that you are trying to understand his thoughts and feelings.

in order to be truly understanding, you may have to go beyond the words of the sender to the feelings and underlying meanings that accompany the words. it is the true meaning of the statment and the sender's feelings that you paraphrase

after you have finished the procedure for scoring both answer sheets, record the frequency with which each member of the group used each type of responses. this can be done by taking one member of the group, asking her how many times she used the evaluating response, placing a tally mark in the appropriate box, then asking the member how many times she used the interpreting response, and so forth. when the recording is completed, you will have a tally mark for each group member under each type of response. then, as a group, discuss the results summarized in the above table. the following questions may helpful
There are things that do not want us to disconnect, ... people who do not want us to leave .... but there were times where we have to stop loving someone not because that person stopped loving us but because we realize that people would be happier if we let go. .....
* We do not want to let go of someone when our happiness depends on the person.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we feel he is handsome, pretty, especially compared with the other.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we are afraid not to find anything like him.
* We do not want to let go of someone when so many wonderful moments in our mind ever imagined.
* We do not want to let go of someone when your heart says "I love her very much."

Removing is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life ...
* We have to let go of someone because of our happiness does not depend on it.
* We have to let go of someone because we realize a handsome, beautiful, special is not necessarily what's best for us.
* We have to let go of someone because we know if God took something, he was ready to give a better. * We have to let go of someone when the good times is just living the past.
* We have to let go of someone because of our heads saying "no more that can be maintained".
* Failure does not mean we do not achieve anything ... but we have to understand something ...! Everything in good time, no time to maintain, there are now releasing ...!!

two weeks ago my family and I went to Ancol. in Ancol me and my family to see the beach. Ancol beach situation is now very concerned. a lot of visible litter around the shoreline, beach water conditions that change color becomes turbid due to the waste disposal plant of less healthy.

after my family and I saw - see the beach, we then went to gelanggang samudera. me and my family there to watch the pirates show. many spectators who saw the performance was wet. the performance was very exciting because I feel like seeing the real pirate action. after I saw the pirate show and then me and my family watching 4D. there I had to queue to get in and watch 4D. I can very back seat with my family

4D shows that I watch tells two cartoon characters who want to steal in a museum. I feel also had a role in the story. all that I see it as real. after my family and I watch 4D. My family and I immediately headed to the dolphins show

in the performance was, not only dolphins but there's also just a white whale that its action is no less exciting with the dolphins performances are shown. There are also sea horse that can count. they all made me feel amazed by his intelligence

finished look shows dolphins are cute and fun, me and my family I then saw the action of the other animals. My family and I went to the show. there may be less attractive because animals not so skilled, so a little boring..
but I could enjoy the show because of the coach who makes the audience becomes not so bored anymore.

there I saw a dove who delivered a letter from one box to other boxes. then squirrel who can dance and clap, bear the smart play bike
, a funny duck population, and hippopotamuses that job just eat only

finished seeing the show. me and my family and then to the mosque for prayers and then we ate at Ancol beach. because me and my family do not bring food from home, eventually my family and I buy food near the beach Ancol. after eating me and my family back to home.

My experience today is very exciting because I could gather with my family and could see the funny and interesting things
There are things that do not want us to disconnect, ... people who do not want us to leave .... but there were times where we have to stop loving someone not because that person stopped loving us but because we realize that people would be happier if we let go. .....
* We do not want to let go of someone when our happiness depends on the person.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we feel he is handsome, pretty, especially compared with the other.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we are afraid not to find anything like him.
* We do not want to let go of someone when so many wonderful moments in our mind ever imagined.
* We do not want to let go of someone when your heart says "I love her very much."

Removing is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life ...
* We have to let go of someone because of our happiness does not depend on it.
* We have to let go of someone because we realize a handsome, beautiful, special is not necessarily what's best for us.
* We have to let go of someone because we know if God took something, he was ready to give a better. * We have to let go of someone when the good times is just living the past.
* We have to let go of someone because of our heads saying "no more that can be maintained".
* Failure does not mean we do not achieve anything ... but we have to understand something ...! Everything in good time, no time to maintain, there are now releasing ...!!

two weeks ago my family and I went to Ancol. in Ancol me and my family to see the beach. Ancol beach situation is now very concerned. a lot of visible litter around the shoreline, beach water conditions that change color becomes turbid due to the waste disposal plant of less healthy.

after my family and I saw - see the beach, we then went to gelanggang samudera. me and my family there to watch the pirates show. many spectators who saw the performance was wet. the performance was very exciting because I feel like seeing the real pirate action. after I saw the pirate show and then me and my family watching 4D. there I had to queue to get in and watch 4D. I can very back seat with my family

4D shows that I watch tells two cartoon characters who want to steal in a museum. I feel also had a role in the story. all that I see it as real. after my family and I watch 4D. My family and I immediately headed to the dolphins show

in the performance was, not only dolphins but there's also just a white whale that its action is no less exciting with the dolphins performances are shown. There are also sea horse that can count. they all made me feel amazed by his intelligence

finished look shows dolphins are cute and fun, me and my family I then saw the action of the other animals. My family and I went to the show. there may be less attractive because animals not so skilled, so a little boring..
but I could enjoy the show because of the coach who makes the audience becomes not so bored anymore.

there I saw a dove who delivered a letter from one box to other boxes. then squirrel who can dance and clap, bear the smart play bike
, a funny duck population, and hippopotamuses that job just eat only

finished seeing the show. me and my family and then to the mosque for prayers and then we ate at Ancol beach. because me and my family do not bring food from home, eventually my family and I buy food near the beach Ancol. after eating me and my family back to home.

My experience today is very exciting because I could gather with my family and could see the funny and interesting things

tugas bahasa inggris

Buffalo and Goat Aesop
A male buffalo had escaped from a lion attack by entering a cave where the cave is often used by a collection of goats as a place ...
Dog and shadow Aesop
A dog gets a bone of a person, ran back to his house as quickly as possible with pleasure. When he passed ...
Two People and A Bear Aesop Traveler
Two people walking together wandering through a dense forest. When suddenly a ...
Aesop's Miser
A very stingy to bury his gold in secret in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the place where he buried his gold, dug it up and count them ...
Squeezing her milk and Ember Aesop
A milkmaid was milking the cows and walking home back from the ranch, with a bucket of milk ...
Donkey and the Salt cargo Aesop
A trader, led his donkey to pass through a shallow river. So far they have gone through the river without ever experiencing a single accident, but ...
Two Tailed Goat Aesop
Two of the goats run with gagahnya from the opposite direction on a steep mountain, then by chance they simultaneously arrive at each edge of the abyss ...
Ants and the Grasshopper Aesop
During the day in late autumn, a family of ants who have worked hard all summer to gather food, to dry the grains of wheat that they had collected ...
Bird Crow and the Pitcher Aesop A
On a very dry season, where his bird-burungpun very difficult to get a little water to drink, a crow found ...
Crow Bird Seven Brothers Grimm
Previously, there was a man who had seven sons, and men have not had the old girl-idamkannya diidam. Seriiring with time, his wife ...


tugas bahasa inggris

Buffalo and Goat Aesop
A male buffalo had escaped from a lion attack by entering a cave where the cave is often used by a collection of goats as a place ...
Dog and shadow Aesop
A dog gets a bone of a person, ran back to his house as quickly as possible with pleasure. When he passed ...
Two People and A Bear Aesop Traveler
Two people walking together wandering through a dense forest. When suddenly a ...
Aesop's Miser
A very stingy to bury his gold in secret in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the place where he buried his gold, dug it up and count them ...
Squeezing her milk and Ember Aesop
A milkmaid was milking the cows and walking home back from the ranch, with a bucket of milk ...
Donkey and the Salt cargo Aesop
A trader, led his donkey to pass through a shallow river. So far they have gone through the river without ever experiencing a single accident, but ...
Two Tailed Goat Aesop
Two of the goats run with gagahnya from the opposite direction on a steep mountain, then by chance they simultaneously arrive at each edge of the abyss ...
Ants and the Grasshopper Aesop
During the day in late autumn, a family of ants who have worked hard all summer to gather food, to dry the grains of wheat that they had collected ...
Bird Crow and the Pitcher Aesop A
On a very dry season, where his bird-burungpun very difficult to get a little water to drink, a crow found ...
Crow Bird Seven Brothers Grimm
Previously, there was a man who had seven sons, and men have not had the old girl-idamkannya diidam. Seriiring with time, his wife ...


tugas bahasa inggris

There are things that do not want us to disconnect, ... people who do not want us to leave .... but there were times where we have to stop loving someone not because that person stopped loving us but because we realize that people would be happier if we let go. .....
* We do not want to let go of someone when our happiness depends on the person.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we feel he is handsome, pretty, especially compared with the other.
* We do not want to let go of someone when we are afraid not to find anything like him.
* We do not want to let go of someone when so many wonderful moments in our mind ever imagined.
* We do not want to let go of someone when your heart says "I love her very much."

Removing is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life ...
* We have to let go of someone because of our happiness does not depend on it.
* We have to let go of someone because we realize a handsome, beautiful, special is not necessarily what's best for us.
* We have to let go of someone because we know if God took something, he was ready to give a better. * We have to let go of someone when the good times is just living the past.
* We have to let go of someone because of our heads saying "no more that can be maintained".
* Failure does not mean we do not achieve anything ... but we have to understand something ...! Everything in good time, no time to maintain, there are now releasing ...!!

Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan, ... orang-orang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan .... tapi ada saatnya dimana kita harus berhenti mencintai seseorang bukan karena orang itu berhenti mencintai kita melainkan karena kita menyadari bahwa orang itu akan lebih berbahagia apabila kita melepaskannya. .....
* Kita tidak ingin melepaskan seseorang ketika kebahagiaan kita sangat bergantung pada orang itu.
* Kita tidak ingin melepaskan seseorang ketika kita merasa dia itu ganteng, cantik, teristimewa dibandingkan dgn yang lain.
* Kita tidak ingin melepaskan seseorang ketika kita takut tidak dapat menemukan yang seperti dia.
* Kita tidak ingin melepaskan seseorang ketika begitu banyak saat-saat indah senantiasa terbayang di benak kita.
* Kita tidak ingin melepaskan seseorang ketika hati kita berkata "Saya sangat mencintainya".

Ingatlah !!
Melepaskan bukanlah akhir dari dunia melainkan awal dari suatu kehidupan baru...
* Kita harus melepaskan seseorang karena kebahagiaan kita tidak tergantung padanya.
* Kita harus melepaskan seseorang karena kita menyadari yang ganteng,yang cantik, yang istimewa belum tentu yang terbaik buat kita.
* Kita harus melepaskan seseorang karena kita tahu jika Allah mengambil sesuatu, Ia telah siap memberi yang lebih baik. * Kita harus melepaskan seseorang ketika saat-saat indah hanyalah tinggal masa lalu.
* Kita harus melepaskan seseorang karena kepala kita berkata "tidak ada lagi yang dapat dipertahankan".
* Kegagalan tidak berarti kita tidak mencapai apa-apa... namun kita telah memahami sesuatu...! Segala sesuatu ada waktunya, ada saat mempertahankan, ada saat melepaskan..
two weeks ago my family and I went to Ancol. in Ancol me and my family to see the beach. Ancol beach situation is now very concerned. a lot of visible litter around the shoreline, beach water conditions that change color becomes turbid due to the waste disposal plant of less healthy.

after my family and I saw - see the beach, we then went to gelanggang samudera. me and my family there to watch the pirates show. many spectators who saw the performance was wet. the performance was very exciting because I feel like seeing the real pirate action. after I saw the pirate show and then me and my family watching 4D. there I had to queue to get in and watch 4D. I can very back seat with my family

4D shows that I watch tells two cartoon characters who want to steal in a museum. I feel also had a role in the story. all that I see it as real. after my family and I watch 4D. My family and I immediately headed to the dolphins show

in the performance was, not only dolphins but there's also just a white whale that its action is no less exciting with the dolphins performances are shown. There are also sea horse that can count. they all made me feel amazed by his intelligence

finished look shows dolphins are cute and fun, me and my family I then saw the action of the other animals. My family and I went to the show. there may be less attractive because animals not so skilled, so a little boring..
but I could enjoy the show because of the coach who makes the audience becomes not so bored anymore.

there I saw a dove who delivered a letter from one box to other boxes. then squirrel who can dance and clap, bear the smart play bike
, a funny duck population, and hippopotamuses that job just eat only

finished seeing the show. me and my family and then to the mosque for prayers and then we ate at Ancol beach. because me and my family do not bring food from home, eventually my family and I buy food near the beach Ancol. after eating me and my family back to home.

My experience today is very exciting because I could gather with my family and could see the funny and interesting things

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Wall Street Perpanjang "Rally" 07 Oktober 2009

Wall Street Perpanjang "Rally"
07 Oktober 2009
Saham di Wall Street memperpanjang "rally" untuk kedua hari pada Selasa (6/10) waktu setempat, karena keputusan Australia untuk menaikkan suku bunga mendorong keyakinan bahwa pemulihan ekonomi global sedang mengakar.

Indeks saham blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average terangkat 131,50 poin (1,37 persen) menjadi 9.731,25, sehari setelah melompat lebih dari 100 poin.

Indeks komposit saham teknologi Nasdaq bertambah 35,42 poin (1,71 persen) menjadi 2.103,57 sementara indeks Standard & Poor’s 500 meningkat 14,26 poin (1,37 persen) menjadi 1.054,72.

Pasar dibuka bullish (bergairah) setelah Australia pada Selasa menjadi ekonomi maju pertama yang menaikkan suku bunga sejak krisis keuangan.

Bank sentral mengumumkan kenaikan sebesar 25 basis poin menjadi 3,25 persen, mengangkat suku bunga dari terendah 49 tahun.

Walaupun Amerika Serikat tidak mungkin untuk menaikkan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat karena masih mengalami transisi yang menyakitkan muncul dari resesi, investor melihat tindakan itu sebagai indikasi kunci pemulihan global.

"Jelas bahwa ada tawaran psikologis di pasar sebagai simbolisme dari kenaikan suku bunga pertama dari negara G20 adalah negatif apapun pertimbangan yang berlangsung dalam tangan-ke-tangan dengan suku bunga lebih tinggi," kata Patrick O’Hare dari Briefing.com.

"Itu sinar simbolisme melalui kenyataan bahwa kebanyakan pasar ekuitas di dunia telah mendapatkan sedikitnya 1,0 persen pasca pengumuman kenaikan suku bunga," katanya.

Kenaikan suku bunga sedang ditafsirkan sebagai "konfirmasi lain bahwa dunia sudah kembali dari ambang bencana ekonomi," kata O’Hare.

Analis di Charles Schwab & Co mengatakan pasar juga mendapat keuntungan dari melemahnya dolar yang mengangkat harga energi dan komoditas. "Saham yang kokoh lebih tinggi, didorong oleh keuntungan kuat energi dan saham material karena melonjak harga komoditas di tengah kekhawatiran terhadap dolar," mereka mengatakan dalam sebuah catatan kepada kliennya.

Harian "The Independent" Inggris mengklaim dalam sebuah laporan Selasa bahwa beberapa megara Arab dalam pembicaraan untuk menghentikan praktek penetapan harga ekspor minyak mereka dalam dollar AS, yang banyak negara kemudian membantahnya namun mengarah ke tekanan berbasis luas pada mata uang AS.

Pemulihan ekonomi telah mendorong investor untuk memompa investasi mereka ke aset berisiko seperti saham dan menjauh dari safe-haven dollar AS.

Di antara saham "top gainers" adalah saham yang berhubungan dengan komoditas. Chevron naik 1,69 persen menjadi 70,56 dollar, ExxonMobil naik 1,60 persen menjadi 68,66 dollar dan Barrick Gold naik 5,23 persen menjadi 38,84 dollar.

Produsen aluminium Alcoa, yang akan meluncurkan laporan pendapatan kuartal ketiga perusahaan pada Rabu, naik 3,50 persen menjadi 13,89 dolar.

Pembuat peralatan industri Emerson Electric naik 1,40 persen menjadi 38,84 dolar yang bergerak untuk mengambil alih perusahaan teknologi informasi Avocent, yang melonjak 20,96 persen menjadi 24,82 dollar.

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# Turki Tangkap 32 Tersangka Anggota AL-Qaeda
# Serangan ke Berbagai Fasilitas Keamanan, 37 Tewas
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# Facebook Ungguli MySpace di AS
# Pesawat AS Tanpa Awak Jatuh Di Afghanistan
# Pendeta Irlandia Yang Diculik Di Filipina Masih Hidup
# Utusan PBB:Kecurangan Pemilu Afganistan Cukup Besar
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Wabah Penyakit dalam sejarah 09 Oktober 2009

Wabah Penyakit dalam sejarah
09 Oktober 2009
Dalam sejarah manusia, telah terjadi banyak wabah besar atau pandemi yang cukup signifikan. Penyakit dalam wabah-wabah tersebut biasanya merupakan penyakit yang ditularkan hewan (zoonosis) yang terjadi bersama dengan domestikasi hewan—seperti influensa dan tuberkulosa. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh wabah besar yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah:

- Plague of Justinian ("wabah Justinian"), dimulai tahun 541, merupakan wabah pes bubonik yang pertama tercatat dalam sejarah. Wabah ini dimulai di Mesir dan merebak sampai Konstantinopel pada musim semi tahun berikutnya, serta (menurut catatan Procopius dari Bizantium) pada puncaknya menewaskan 10.000 orang setiap hari dan mungkin 40 persen dari penduduk kota tersebut. Wabah tersebut terus berlanjut dan memakan korban sampai seperempat populasi manusia di Mediterania timur.

- The Black Death, dimulai tahun 1300-an. Delapan abad setelah wabah terakhir, pes bubonik merebak kembali di Eropa. Setelah mulai berjangkit di Asia, wabah tersebut mencapai Mediterania dan Eropa barat pada tahun 1348 (mungkin oleh para pedagang Italia yang mengungsi dari perang di Crimea), dan menewaskan dua puluh juta orang Eropa dalam waktu enam tahun, yaitu seperempat dari seluruh populasi atau bahkan sampai separuh populasi di daerah perkotaan yang paling parah dijangkiti.

- pandemi pertama, 1816–1826. Pada mulanya wabah ini terbatas pada daerah anak benua India, dimulai di Bengal, dan menyebar ke luar India pada tahun 1820. Penyebarannya sampai ke Republik Rakyat Cina dan Laut Kaspia sebelum akhirnya berkurang.

- Pandemi kedua (1829–1851) mencapai Eropa, London pada tahun 1832, Ontario Kanada dan New York pada tahun yang sama, dan pesisir Pasifik Amerika Utara pada tahun 1834.

- Pandemi ketiga (1852–1860) terutama menyerang Rusia, memakan korban lebih dari sejuta jiwa.

- Pandemi keempat (1863–1875) menyebar terutama di Eropa dan Afrika.

- Pandemi kelima (1899–1923) sedikit mempengaruhi Eropa karena kemajuan kesehatan masyarakat, namun Rusia kembali terserang secara parah.

- Pandemi keenam dimulai di Indonesia pada tahun 1961, disebut "kolera El Tor" (atau "Eltor") sesuai dengan nama galur bakteri penyebabnya, dan mencapai Bangladesh pada tahun 1963, India pada tahun 1964, dan Uni Soviet pada tahun 1966.

3. influensa
- "Flu Asiatik", 1889–1890. Dilaporkan pertama kali pada bulan Mei 1889 di Bukhara, Rusia. Pada bulan Oktober, wabah tersebut merebak sampai Tomsk dan daerah Kaukasus. Wabah ini dengan cepat menyebar ke barat dan menyerang Amerika Utara pada bulan Desember 1889, Amerika Selatan pada Februari–April 1890, India pada Februari–Maret 1890, dan Australia pada Maret–April 1890. Wabah ini diduga disebabkan oleh virus flu tipe H2N8 dan mempunyai laju serangan dan laju mortalitas yang sangat tinggi.

- "Flu Spanyol", 1918–1919. Pertama kali diidentifikasi awal Maret 1918 di basis pelatihan militer AS di Fort Riley, Kansas, pada bulan Oktober 1918 wabah ini sudah menyebar menjadi pandemi di semua benua. Wabah ini sangat mematikan dan sangat cepat menyebar (pada bulan Mei 1918 di Spanyol, delapan juta orang terinfeksi wabah ini), berhenti hampir secepat mulainya, dan baru benar-benar berakhir dalam waktu 18 bulan. Dalam enam bulan, 25 juta orang tewas; diperkirakan bahwa jumlah total korban jiwa di seluruh dunia sebanyak dua kali angka tersebut. Diperkirakan 17 juta jiwa tewas di India, 500.000 di Amerika Serikat dan 200.000 di Inggris. Virus penyebab wabah tersebut baru-baru ini diselidiki di Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, AS, dengan meneliti jenazah yang terawetkan di lapisan es (permafrost) Alaska.

Virus tersebut diidentifikasikan sebagai tipe H1N1.
- "Flu Asia", 1957–1958. Wabah ini pertama kali diidentifikasi di Tiongkok pada awal Februari 1957, kemudian menyebar ke seluruh dunia pada tahun yang sama. Wabah tersebut merupakan flu burung yang disebabkan oleh virus flu tipe H2N2 dan memakan korban sebanyak satu sampai empat juta orang.

- "Flu Hong Kong", 1968–1969. Virus tipe H3N2 yang menyebabkan wabah ini dideteksi pertama kali di Hongkong pada awal 1968. Perkiraan jumlah korban adalah antara 750.000 dan dua juta jiwa di seluruh dunia.

Kekhawatiran akan terjadinya wabah global baru
Penyakit-penyakit yang mungkin dapat menjangkit secara pandemik mencakup di antaranya demam Lassa, demam Rift Valley, virus Marburg, virus Ebola dan Bolivian hemorrhagic fever. Namun demikian, sampai dengan tahun 2004, kemunculan penyakit-penyakit tersebut pada populasi manusia sangatlah virulen sampai-sampai tidak tersisa lagi dan hanya terjadi di daerah geografis terbatas. Dengan demikian, saat ini penyakit-penyakit tersebut berdampak terbatas bagi manusia.

HIV—virus penyebab AIDS—dapat dianggap sebagai suatu pandemi, namun saat ini paling meluas di Afrika bagian selatan dan timur. Virus tersebut ditemukan terbatas pada sebagian kecil populasi pada negara-negara lain, dan menyebar dengan lambat di negara-negara tersebut. Pandemi yang dikhawatirkan dapat benar-benar berbahaya adalah pandemi yang mirip dengan HIV, yaitu penyakit yang terus-menerus berevolusi.

Pada tahun 2003, terdapat kekhawatiran bahwa SARS, suatu bentuk baru pneumonia yang sangat menular, dapat menjadi suatu pandemi.

Selain itu, terdapat catatan pandemi influensa tiap 20–40 tahun dengan tingkat keparahan berbeda-beda. Pada Februari 2004, virus flu burung dideteksi pada babi di Vietnam, sehingga meningkatkan kekhawatiran akan munculnya galur virus baru. Yang ditakutkan adalah bahwa jika virus flu burung bergabung dengan virus flu manusia (yang terdapat pada babi maupun manusia), subtipe virus baru yang terbentuk akan sangat menular dan mematikan pada manusia. Subtipe virus semacam itu dapat menyebabkan wabah global influensa yang serupa dengan flu Spanyol ataupun pandemi lebih kecil seperti flu Hong Kong.

Antara Oktober 2004 dan Februari 2005, sekitar 3.700 perangkat uji yang mengandung virus penyebab Flu Asia 1957 tanpa sengaja terkirim ke seluruh dunia dari sebuah laboratorium di Amerika Serikat

Pada bulan November 2004, direktur WHO daerah barat menyatakan bahwa pandemi influensa tak dapat dihindari dan mendesak dibuatnya rancangan untuk mengatasi virus influensa.

Pada bulan Oktober 2005, kasus flu burung (dari galur mematikan H5N1) ditemukan di Turki setelah memakan sejumlah korban jiwa di berbagai negara (termasuk Indonesia) sejak pertama kali diidentifikasi pada tahun 2003. Namun demikian, pada akhir Oktober 2005 hanya 67 orang meninggal akibat H5N1; hal ini tidak serupa dengan pandemi-pandemi influensa yang pernah terjadi.

Dan yang terbaru saat ini adalah flu babi.
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Utusan PBB: Kecurangan Pemilu Afghanistan Cukup Besar 13 Oktober 2009

Utusan PBB: Kecurangan Pemilu Afghanistan Cukup Besar
13 Oktober 2009
Liputan6.com, Kabul: Dugaan adanya kecurangan dalam Pemilu Presiden Afghanistan semakin menguat. Wakil khusus Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa di Afghanistan Kai Eide menyatakan, kecurangan Pemilu Presiden Afghanistan cukup signifikan dan meluas. Demikian berita yang dilansir AFP, baru-baru ini.

Eide menyebutkan, sejumlah wilayah di selatan dan tenggara Afghanistan sebagai tempat yang banyak melakukan kecurangan. "Tingkat kecurangan saat ini sedang ditentukan", ujar dia. Ia pun mengklaim tingkat kecurangan mencapai 30 persen, meski belum ada jumlah pasti yang didapatkan.

Sejumlah pejabat luar negeri belum bersedia berkomentar. Namun, Karl Eikenberry, Duta Besar Amerika Serikat di Afghanistan dikabarkan telah melaporkan temuan utusan PBB tersebut kepada Presiden AS Barack Obama.

Dalam keterangan pers, pemerintah Gedung Putih mengakui Presiden Obama telah memberikan instruksi kepada Dubes AS untuk mengimplementasikan strategi baik militer ataupun sipil. Termasuk, menjajaki kerja sama dengan tokoh-tokoh Afghanistan. Uni Eropa sendiri menyatakan mendukung laporan tersebut.

Pada 20 Agustus silam, Afghanistan menggelar pemilu presiden pascainvasi Amerika Serikat 2001. Pemilu kali ini diikuti empat kandidat, yaitu Hamid Karzai (presiden yang sedang menjabat), Abdullah Abdullah, Ramazan Bashardost, dan Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. Hasil paling akhir dari pemilu Afghniastan menunjukkan, Hamid Karzai memperoleh sekitar 55 persen suara sedangkan pesaing terdekatnya Abdullah Abdullah mendapatkan 28 persen suara [baca: Karzai Menang, Kecurangan Banyak Ditemukan.
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Turki Tangkap 32 Tersangka Anggota AL-Qaeda 16 Oktober 2009

Turki Tangkap 32 Tersangka Anggota AL-Qaeda
16 Oktober 2009
Istanbul (ANTARA/Reuters) - Pasukan keamanan Turki menangkap 32 orang yang dituduh sebagai anggota kelompok militan Al-Qaeda yang diyakini merencanakan serangan terhadap sasaran-sasaran NATO, AS dan Israel, demikian dilaporkan kantor berita Anatolia, Kamis.

Orang-orang itu ditangkap dalam sejumlah penyergapan serentak di delapan provinsi, kata Anatolia mengutip para pejabat keamanan yang menyebutkan bahwa beberapa orang dari mereka diperkirakan dilatih di kamp-kamp Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan.

Pejabat-pejabat keamanan menemukan dokumen yang mengaitkan tersangka-tersangka itu dengan kelompok terlarang tersebut selama penyerbuan itu.

"Tim-tim dari Satuan Anti-Teror Istanbul melakukan operasi terhadap anggota-anggota Al-Qaeda yang diketahui merencanakan serangan terhadap kantor-kantor perwakilan AS dan Israel serta instalasi NATO," kata Anatolia.

Sementara itu, Anatolia mengatakan, enam orang menghadapi tuduhan mengenai keterlibatan mereka dalam pemboman bunuh diri Al-Qaeda yang menewaskan sekitar 60 orang di dua sinagog, sebuah cabang bank HSBC dan konsulat Inggris di Itanbul pada 2003.

Tujuh militan, termasuk seorang Suriah anggota Al-Qaeda, sebelumnya dijatuhi hukuman penjara seumur hidup karena peranan mereka dalam pemboman 2003 itu.
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Tangan Kotor AS Runtuhkan Bukti Sejarah Irak 16 Oktober 2009

Tangan Kotor AS Runtuhkan Bukti Sejarah Irak
16 Oktober 2009
[Image]BAGHDAD (SuaraMedia News) – Pasukan militer dan kontraktor AS ditengarai menyebabkan kerusakan yang parah terhadap situs peninggalan bersejarah Babilonia di Irak setelah invasi AS pada tahun 2003, demikian menurut sebuah laporan terbaru yang dilansir oleh PBB.

Laporan tersebut mengatakan bahwa sejumlah struktur bangunan yang penting mengalami kerusakan dan situs bersejarah tersebut mengalami proses penggalian dan pengrusakan.

Namun pejabat dinas kebudayaan PBB menekankan bahwa kerusakan tersebut kemungkinan tidak dimulai pada saat pasukan AS tiba, atau diakhiri ketika pasukan AS hengkang.

Pihak militer AS membantah klaim tersebut dan berdalih bahwa penjarahan Babilonia justru akan semakin parah jika pasukan militer AS tidak berada di Irak.

Laporan terbaru tersebut diserahkan pada hari Kamis di kota Paris oleh lembaga kebudayaan PBB, UNESCO.
Laporan tersebut diselesaikan setelah dijalankan penyelidikan selama lima tahun oleh warga Irak dan para akademisi, sebagian dari mereka sebelumnya menunjukkan sikap yang amat kritis terhadap kerusakan yang terjadi tepat ketika pasukan AS bermarkas di Babilon pada tahun 2003 dan 2004.

Kota tua berusia 4.000 tahun yang terletak di sebelah selatan Baghdad tersebut merupakan lokasi dimana terletak taman gantung Babilonia yang tersohor dan merupakan bagian dari tujuh keajaiban dunia dari peradaban kuno.

Laporan UNESCO tersebut menuliskan bahwa para pasukan dan kontraktor AS dengan sengaja melakukan penggalian parit yang panjang. AS tidak menghormati situs bersejarah tersebut karena parit panjang tersebut digali melalui lokasi berdirinya situs Babilonia. AS kemudian meratakan puncak bukit dengan buldozer dan menjalankan kendaraan berat di atas jalur kuno yang rapuh yang dulunya menjadi tempat sakral.[Image]

Para pakar mengatakan bahwa, diantara sejumlah bangunan kuno yang dirusak oleh tangan-tangan tidak bertanggungjawab, salah satunya adalah Gerbang Ishtar dan sebuah jalan yang dipergunakan untuk arak-arakan.

John Curtis, seorang arkeolog yang berasal dari museum Inggris, yang telah mengunjungi Babilonia, mengatakan: “Setelah saya lihat dengan mata kepala sendiri, memang benar bahwa ada kerusakan berat di sana-sini.”

Dia menambahkan bahwa ukiran berbentuk simbol naga pada gerbang Ishtar tampaknya telah dirusak oleh tangan-tangan jahil, anehnya, aksi pengrusakan tersebut justru terjadi tepat ketika wilayah tersebut berada di bawah kendali pasukan Amerika.

Ada banyak artefak kuno Babilonia yang dijarah oleh para arkeolog dari Eropa pada abad ke-19 dan ironisnya kini dipajang dengan bangga di sejumlah museum terkenal di dunia yang terletak di Eropa.

Agar tidak terlalu tampak memojokkan AS, UNESCO kemudian mengatakan bahwa penjarahan dan penjualan benda kuno di pasar gelap terus berlanjut ketika wilayah tersebut “diserahkan kembali” kepada pemerintah Irak pada akhir tahun 2004.

Organisasi tersebut tengah mengupayakan untuk menjadikan Babilonia sebagai sebuah situs warisan budaya dunia, walaupun sejumlah pejabat UNESCO mengatakan bahwa dengan parahnya kerusakan yang terjadi saat ini, maka harus terlebih dahulu diperkirakan berapa banyak biaya pemugaran dan perlindungan yang akan dihabiskan untuk situs bersejarah tersebut.

UNESCO sebelumnya menolak untuk mempromosikan Babilonia sebagai sebuah situs warisan budaya dunia. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada proses pemugaran yang dulu dilaksanakan pada masa pemerintahan mendiang pemimpin Irak, Saddam Hussein, telah mengubah struktur bangunan asli dari situs bersejarah tersebut.
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